Maurizio Crippa is the CEO of Gr3n
gr3n invented a new process which allows to recycle PET bottles/food containers chemically in a profitable way.
The process is based on a new application of microwave technology to a well known chemical reaction which provides an economically efficient chemical recycling process of PET (Polyethylene Terephtalate) and allows an industrial implementation of this recycling method.
This new process can potentially change how PET is recycled worldwide with a huge financial benefit for the recycling industry.
At the end of each talk at JakajimaTV, the host Pieter Hermans asks the presenter to share his favourite music or book or art or city or food etc.
Maurizio loves Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Bruce Springsteen and Fabrizio De André. He also likes art.
Maurizio Crippa will be speaking at the Plastic Waste 2 Plastic Conference.
Go to the conference program for an overview of all the speakers.
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