Cell-based technologies on the farm

What role will farms play in cellular agriculture and what role can you play in this emerging market? RESPECTfarms wants to enable farmers to create value with cellular agriculture technology and build new opportunities in the strengths of the agricultural sector.

3 December 2024
10th edition

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Presented by Ralf Becks, Co-Founder at RESPECTfarms.

Transitions in the food chain are complex and need strong visions, ambitions and beliefs to come true. The simplest way in the short term is to keep doing what we always did and that will not be enough. Ralf gets energy from going after things that need more creativity, collaboration and perseverance.

As emerging technologies he promotes all technologies that can replace animal protein!

About Ralf Becks
Ralf Becks is an industrial designer with a strong background in technology and has helped several companies with business model innovation. In 2021 he co-founded RESPECTfarms. A startup that involves the current agricultural sector and its infrastructure to produce cultivated meat on a farm in a safe, healthy, sustainable, and animal-friendly way.

About PERFECTfarms
RESPECTfarms aims to help farms, farmers and ranchers diversify their businesses with cultivated meat technology.
For more information go to the website.

Ralf Becks will speak at the 2023 edition of the Agrifood Innovation Event.